فارسی عربي


Iranian films hit Indian festival screen

A number of Iranian feature and short films have contended for awards at the 2017 edition of Kolkata International Children’s Film Festival in India.

Produced at Iran’s Art Bureau, the screen works have represented Iranian cinema at various sections of the event which is currently underway.

‘Mobarak’ by Mohammadreza Najafi and ‘Parole’ by Hossein Mahkam are among the lineup of the feature film section of the festival.

‘Like a Balloon’ by Marjan Esmaeili, ‘Valad’ by Amir Abbas Rabiei and ‘Man and a Child’ by Seyyed Mohammadreza Kheradmandan have entered the short film section.

'The Children of the Rain' by Danesh Eqbashavi and 'Alamak' by Hossein Darabi are also among the films competing in this section.

Showcasing 200 films from 33 countries, the 6th edition of Kolkata International Children’s Film Festival kicked off on December 24 and will run through December 31, 2016.
